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Open Source Conference 2013 Tokyo/Fall

By ftake @ 2013-10-20 21:41

On October 19th and 20th, we participated Open Source Conference 2013 Tokyo/Fall held at Meisei University. About 130 groups and companies came together, and about 1400 people visited the event during two days. Japan openSUSE User Group had a booth and a seminar.


I had a presentation titled “Let’s use Linux desktops, not only Linux servers!” Starting from introducing desktop environments such as KDE, GNOME, Unity, I also mentioned what users should keep in mind, Raspberry Pi, GIMP, and benefits of using Linux desktops for application developers. About 20 people joined our seminar. While the seminar, I got the following questions:

  • Can we use WACOM’s stylus for GIMP on openSUSE?
  • How can we set up samba to share files with Windows PCs?

I do not have a good answer for the latter one. I know YaST allows to launch samba quite easily, but I am not sure how we can add users to samba from GUI instead of running ‘smbpasswd -a geeko’.

サーバーだけじゃない! Linux デスクトップを使い倒そう! from ftake


booth overview

We demonstrated 12.3 on a laptop surrounded by many stacked up Geekos. We also distribute manga about openSUSE and the latest issue of Geeko Magazine, which describes what is new in openSUSE 13.1 and how to use openSUSE on Raspberry Pi. We did not prepare installation medias this time since 13.1 will be released in the next month. More than 100 people visited our booth.

One of FAQ was where we can buy stuffed Geekos. Is there any plan to produce new ones?

PDF version: Geeko Magazine vol.7

CubieBoard with geekos

Several people were interested in CubieBoard, which is a Raspberry Pi like ARM Board with Cortex A8, 1 GB Memory, and SATA. We need usable openSUSE image for it.
